TAG: ssd

2011/03/29 13:31 Steven Algieri The Continuing March of SSD [200px] Intel today announced the refresh of it's SSD range of solid-state storage drives. The X25, the original Intel SSD has bit the dust, replaced by the new MLC-based drives. Of course, Intel haven't stood still, and as well as increasing capacity and speed (the drives are now based on the 25nm fab process), they have also managed to drop the price. ,
2011/04/13 05:08 Richard Donovan Viking Modular Fusion Memory and SSD Aims to Shake up How we See Memory Viking Modular is showing of a new SSDs that plugs into DDR3 memory slot. [ ] SSDs will be optimal for compact or blade servers where space is limited. The memory wont beat top end memory speeds but the not too shabby 520 , , , , , ,